OneNote provides a way for teachers to become more organized with less paper. Lessons can be stored in notebooks based on grade level or subject. Assignments can be shared with students through OneNote and emails. These assignments can also have an audio component when needed for directions and help with lessons. This would help our more aural learners.
Educators can collaborate through OneNote by sharing lessons on a shared notebook page. Comments can also be left for collaboration when colleagues have ideas to add to a lesson. Calendars can also be shared between colleagues to help with scheduling and organization.
The lesson plan template is a great tool to help educators plan out their lessons. It is simple but easy to use and can be another great way to share lessons with others.
With OneNote Classroom, students can submit assignments for the teacher to see and can also record video and audio. It seems as though it is similar to Google Classroom. I would like to try it with recorders. Students could submit audio files of them playing a song to receive their Recorder Karate belt before coming to class. This would make seeing them only once a week a lot more efficient. I would be able to teach more than test and see where the students are during class, it could be done as an assignment. I am extremely excited to use this in my classroom.