Thursday, July 28, 2016

Chromatik and SmartMusic

      I explored Chromatik and SmartMusic this week.  Both are programs that can help with practice of many different instruments.  Being an elementary teacher, both programs would probably only be used for my older students.  However, I am leaning more towards SmartMusic than Chromatik for my students if funding is possible.
      Chromatik is a web-based application found here that can be used for practice of multiple instruments.  It was very easy to use.
The user would choose the song they wanted to practice from a vast list and then choose the instrument.  The sheet music is shown as well as the video.  The user presses play and the program turns the page automatically when needed.  This would be a great program for a guitar class, band program, and class or private piano.  If I had a piano lab, I would use this program for my advanced students.  They could pick what they would like to play.  This would be difficult for my students to use at home for the specific songs I ask them to play on the recorder.
      SmartMusic is a subscription-based program used for practice of multiple instruments.  This would also be a good program for a guitar class, band program, and class or private piano.  I do, however, feel that this would be a good program for elementary recorder as well.  I would love to use this with my students. Students can record themselves to receive their Recorder Karate belts in fourth and fifth grade.
This would be a good way to motivate my students to practice at home and want to continue to advance ahead with their instruments.  The application will help them to know where they have made mistakes in red and motivate them to practice until their notes are all green. They could then submit their final product with all green notes to receive their belts.  I am hoping to get a subscription for my school this year.

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