Thursday, July 28, 2016

Week 4 Viewing/Reading Reflection

      My fourth and fifth grade students play recorder and practice at home is difficult to keep track.  Seeing the students only once a week (if that), means that those students must practice at home in order to improve and be able to play the songs assigned.  I have tried practice logs and letting them practice for a small amount of time in class.  After this week's reading and lecture, I am seeing a few other options that would motivate my students to practice at home.  In addition to an incentive program called "Recorder Karate", I would like to implement a practice program at home.
      Tutorial software would be convenient to use in the classroom to reinforce skills taught as well as reach those students not motivated by paper/pencil methods.  Bauer(2014) mentions selecting software for the classroom by looking at many different questions. What is needed to make it work?  Will it help cover standards?  Will it track progress of the students? Something that I have used in my classroom is MusicAce.  It reinforces lessons already taught in the classroom, has lessons for students to follow, and tracks progress of the students through short quizzes at the end of each unit.
      With my fourth and fifth grade students using recorders, I could have them use SmartMusic at home and in class.  Bauer(2014) mentions learning management systems that have the capability to develop and administer quizzes, grading, and a discussion forum.  My only concern about using SmartMusic is the cost and keeping track of about 200 students in fourth and fifth grade alone.

Bauer, W. I. (2014) Music learning today Digital Pedagogy for Creating Performing andResponding to Music. New York, NY Oxford University Press.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angela,

    That sure is a lot of students to keep track of between only two grades! Reading your reflection this week reminded me of when I taught recorders for a year to fourth graders. Especially in today's technology-driven society, it really is difficult to get students motivated to do anything by pencil and paper methods, as you mentioned. I also used Recorder Karate and, while that does motivate some, I agree that technology could have a big impact on motivating students to practice. One tool I could envision using if I were teaching recorders again is Soundation. Creating practice tracks in that program is so easy. It could even be a fun class project to do one day. Have the students help you select different clips and allow they to offer their input on different things to add or tweak to put their own staple on it. You as the teacher could add whatever necessary pitches would be needed to supplement it. This could be uploaded online and the students could practice it at home.
